I did it.

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2013. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.

In­stalling the ear­li­er ver­sion of codes­ourcery did the job! I am now able to de­vel­op ap­pli­ca­tions for my palm pre and oth­er we­bos de­vices.

Since I haven’t been do­ing a lot of GL stuff re­cent­ly, I am go­ing to re­fresh that, and then code a lit­tle 3D En­gine for SDL/GLES and Palm. Once again, I will have to start de­sign­ing ev­ery­thing first, but I’m very mo­ti­vat­ed at the mo­ment, so I might suc­ceed.

Al­so, I want to ac­chieve a sim­i­lar graph­ics style to Gold­en Sun DS, which I re­al­ly like, which is rather sim­ple and should be pos­si­ble to code as one per­son.

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


Archived blog posts from squareys.tum­blr.com.