Flow in Conversation

< 1 minute read.

With peo­ple on your lev­el you can talk for hours, for­get­ting the time; you “un­der­stand each oth­er”. – from a re­cent post “On the Same Lev­el”.

What I find now is that this is ac­tu­al­ly a state of flow 1 and it’s con­ta­gious:

Watch Tom Bi­lyeu on Ed Mylett’s youtube chan­nel 2. There is a pow­er­ful spark that trav­els even through the screen!

Now this may be ex­plained be­cause I was work­ing while lis­ten­ing to this in­ter­view and got in­to flow in­de­pen­dent­ly. An­oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is that this spark helped get­ting in­to flow for work. As I don’t re­mem­ber the or­der, please do tell me if this hap­pened for you, too (e.g. by an­swer­ing the tweet about this blog post).


Writ­ten in 15 min­utes.