I Fixed My Autocomplete
< 2 minute read.
I have been using vim for over two years now. Originally started with vrapper, which helped a lot: when I needed my original productivity, I was able to go back by switching off vim-mode in Eclipse. Later used vim mode in QtCreator until finally fully making the switch, every now and then working in Visual Studio with some vim plugin.
Generally it improved my efficiency as I feel less held up with the excecution side of coding: when I know what to do, I can turn that into code rather quickly… as long I’m not using a mac-keyboard.
What always bothered me, though, was my lack of proper autocompletion. Not because that isn’t possible in vim—I had the YouCompleteMe plugin installed forever—, rather the lack of actually setting it up properly. Instead it consistenly greeted me with an error about python whenever I opened vim, making me click “ok” on a dialog first.
I am still baffled by how long I managed to procrastinate this issue that kept the entire plugin from working. I always saw it as a nuisance to have to deal with my editor instead of coding (funny I chose the most configuration demanding editor in despite of this). Today was the day, though. I fixed it by installing Python 2.7.15 on my Windows machine alongside the Python 3.6 I already had.
Now I can even properly complete UltiSnips snippets. That was always something I admired when watching highly efficient vim users.
Written in 20 minutes.