Construct Arcade

~ 2 minute read.

To­mor­row is a big day, that apart from me not many peo­ple will no­tice un­til fur­ther down in the fu­ture. I will make sure you do, though, don’t wor­ry. There will be a blog post about why it is for me short­ly af­ter. — from “We­b­VR Ram­blings” (9/10/2018)

When I wrote this, “to­mor­row” was the day I meant to re­lease Con­struct Ar­cade, the world’s first im­mer­sive web games por­tal—Your place to play and pub­lish im­mer­sive web games.

It turned out not to be at mid­night, though, but rather 8 AM… I didn’t sleep that night. I guess I got a bit of lizard brain, es­pe­cial­ly since this was a very ear­ly re­lease. We have many many great ideas and vi­sions for this plat­form, but I can­not over­state the im­por­tance of get­ting it out the door, now that I did.

There is a huge dif­fer­ence be­tween it­er­at­ing on a prod­uct and work­ing to­wards its ini­tial launch. The for­mer is small, di­gestible tasks, the lat­er is a huge one. Since the ini­tial launch, there has been a small im­prove­ment ev­ery day and I love this, be­cause it not on­ly “feels easy”, but they add up. 365 of those are a pret­ty darn huge im­prove­ment!

Thank you very much to ev­ery­one who pushed me to re­lease soon­er. (You know who you are ;-) )

I per­son­al­ly feel like I missed the train on desk­top VR games. May it be due to the fact that I had too much go­ing on out­side of my VR projects five years ago—let it be uni­ver­si­ty or my stu­dent job—and now the im­mer­sive web is giv­ing me an un­ex­pect­ed sec­ond chance to jump on the VR train. And that ef­fort is fo­cussed all in­to Con­struct Ar­cade.

Since there is al­so a blog there, please make sure to check it out if you like my posts here. I write the ar­ti­cles there, too: blog.con­struc­tar­

Writ­ten in 20 min­utes.