Accept Your Mistakes

~ 2.5 Minute Read.

In my last post I wrote how my idea of de­ter­min­ism in­flu­ences some of my men­tal­i­ty. I still think it’s a bad word for the con­cept, as the first as­so­ci­a­tions with de­ter­min­ism seem to be rather neg­a­tive. In­stead, see it as “ev­ery­thing is not com­plete­ly ar­bi­trary”.

Your ac­tions at present are a sum of the in­flu­ences of your past. As a con­se­quence you are on­ly able to han­dle and re­act to any sit­u­a­tion in a de­ter­mined way. If you make a mis­take, you could not have act­ed dif­fer­ent­ly. If you un­der­stand that, all dwelling in “If on­ly I had…” will move to learn­ing from the mis­take and not mak­ing it again should the sit­u­a­tion ev­er oc­cur again: “Next time I will…”.

This way you in­flu­enced your fu­ture self and gave your­self the abil­i­ty to act dif­fer­ent­ly next time. As­sume you make the wrong choice and “cor­rect” your­self in­to the wrong di­rec­tion and make a dif­fer­ent mis­take next time. Again, you were not able to make a dif­fer­ent choice of how to avoid the er­ror next time, hence, ac­cept that and move on.

Nev­er Fire Any­one

The most lu­di­crous state­ment to in­fer from that men­tal­i­ty. I bring this up not on­ly to avoid this as­sump­tion should I get the priv­i­lege to have peo­ple work for me, but to avoid un­con­di­tion­al re­ten­tion of peo­ple that don’t fit in­to their jobs.

I see two ways to han­dle some­one’s un­mo­ti­va­tion: ei­ther in­vest the time to mo­ti­vate — e.g. by con­vey­ing your own mo­ti­va­tion, cre­at­ing un­der­stand­ing for the mis­sion, find­ing bet­ter suit­ed tasks for that per­son… — or re­al­iz­ing that do­ing so is out of ques­tion and let go. You can­not mo­ti­vate a pas­sion­ate pro­gram­mer to do a gar­den­er’s job if he doesn’t at least have some affin­i­ty for it. 1

Af­ter a dis­cus­sion with a friend about this, I do re­al­ize that there are jobs for which there is no­body who could be mo­ti­vat­ed for it. I ac­tu­al­ly think there is a per­son for ev­ery job, but def­i­nite­ly jobs where this is very rare. Some­time in the fu­ture ro­bots will be do­ing those jobs and more peo­ple will in­stead be able to with­in their area of pas­sion — hope­ful­ly?

Writ­ten in 30 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.