
You found the web­site of Jonathan Hale, “Squareys”. Wel­come to my place!

While my blog about life­style, men­tal­i­ty and a lot of tech­ni­cal stuff is far from dai­ly, I might still write oc­ca­sion­al­ly.

I write about C++, Vir­tu­al Re­al­i­ty, Ren­der­ing, and late­ly a lot on We­bAssem­bly and We­bXR.

For a while I was run­ning a vir­tu­al re­al­i­ty agen­cy Vhite Rab­bit to­geth­er with Flo­ri­an Isik­ci. We launched Con­struct Ar­cade, now HeyVR, in Oc­to­ber 2018, the first VR brows­er games plat­form, with free VR games you can play di­rect­ly in the brows­er. Out of frus­tra­tion with ex­ist­ing de­vel­op­ment tools for VR and AR on the web, I start­ed build­ing Won­der­land En­gine, a de­vel­op­ment plat­form for VR and AR on the web with a strong fo­cus on per­for­mance on We­bGL2 and hy­per-ef­fi­cient de­vel­op­ment work­flows. That ef­fort turned in­to a ven­ture-backed com­pa­ny that con­sumes most of my at­ten­tion to­day.


To stay up­dat­ed on my projects, do please fol­low me on so­cial me­dia: