
I worked on many many projects. They were “my thing”. What I did when I got up at 5:45 am, which was the time I was al­lowed to use the com­put­er for 45 min­utes back in the ear­ly school days, what I did when I was lat­ter al­lowed more time af­ter school – ex­cept for a break dur­ing pu­ber­ty, where I played a lot of videogames for a while – like­ly in­stead of home­work, what I did dur­ing lec­tures, af­ter lec­tures, be­fore lec­tures at uni­ver­si­ty.

I can­not list them all. For to­day, I on­ly cleaned up those which were pre­vi­ous­ly list­ed on this page. Check out my old tum­blr, if you are in­ter­s­es­t­ed in more of them. The new­er projects you will main­ly find on GitHub or learn about via the mag­num blog, the Vhite Rab­bit blog, or my twit­ter.

Here is a non-ex­haus­tive list of projects I have worked on in the (very dis­tant, 4-8+ years) past:


An open source Ja­va – yes, se­ri­ous – ray­cast­ing game en­gine, aban­doned, but you can find it on GitHub again. I love to op­ti­mize and Ja­va gave me a chal­lenge here. I fol­lowed a C tu­to­ri­al back then to get the ba­sic math down (which I was not com­fort­able with back then) and was al­so in­spired by a game by Notch.

I op­ti­mized the hell out of the en­gine which was able to dis­play a tile-map of tex­tured 3D CPU-ray­cast­ed blocks. Us­ing thread­ing and main­ly cod­ing tricks I got the thing from iirc some­thing low­er than 20 fps to over 120 fps. Which says noth­ing, be­cause I don’t re­mem­ber the specs of the Note­book it ran on… or the res­o­lu­tion… or any­thing.

It had an ed­i­tor though, in which you were able to build tile maps and add cus­tom tiles, with an or­tho­graph­ic vi­su­al­iza­tion of the tile etc. And I learnt what mip-maps are and how to gen­er­ate them, be­cause the ar­ti­facts were just too hor­ri­ble.

My broth­er back then was us­ing some very ba­sic ray cast­ing game en­gine to make as­tound­ing­ly cool lit­tle games and I hoped to build some­thing nicer for him, tai­lored to his needs. I must have got­ten cought up in pre­ma­ture op­ti­miza­tion.

Lego Minifig­ure Blender Rig

A full an­i­ma­tion-ready rig in Blender. I want­ed to do a Park­our-Lego An­i­ma­tion (since I start­ed Park­our around this time, and al­ways loved Lego an­i­ma­tions) and the free rig I found back then was not quite ful­fill­ing my needs. So I made my own, guid­ed by a Nin­ja-Rig­ging Train­ing DVD by cg­mas­ If I find it again, I will link it here or share it on blendswap.

Lego Park­our An­i­ma­tion

While the first made it to youtube, the sec­ond had alot of ef­fort put in­to its en­vi­ron­ment (a lit­tle park scene) and I want­ed to make it “at least sec­onds long”. I of­ten think back to it and want to fin­ish it, but ev­ery time re­al­iz­ing I am un­able to find the most up-to-date file :(


“py­wi­iuse”, a Python 3.3 wrap­per for the “in­of­fi­cial fork” of the wi­iuse li­brary by means of a C ex­ten­sion to python. The goal was to make a Wii game in blender (with­out a Wii, but a con­troller, ob­vi­ous­ly). It ac­tu­al­ly worked, but I nev­er made a game with it.

Orig­i­nal­ly the code was open source, but I am re­luc­tant to keep projects around that I would not want to main­tain prop­er­ly and since no­body found it by ac­ci­dent I sim­ply re­moved it. (A link to the code may be post­ed here in the fu­ture. I you re­al­ly want it, drop me an email or DM me some­where).


A 2D Mul­ti­play­er Bomber­man-in­spired game. Writ­ten in C++ us­ing the Al­le­gro li­brary and POCO for net­work­ing code.


A 2D ac­tion/ar­cade game in­spired by a minigame in a LEGO Is­land Game­boy game. You have four lanes on which Zom­bies are com­ing at you and you are sup­posed to kill them be­fore they reach you. With com­bos and on­line high­scores, set­tings menu, two types of Zom­bies, all the good stuff.

Writ­ten in C++ us­ing the Al­le­gro li­brary with as­sets by Falk Rid­der.