Radically Essential

2 minute read.

I have a ten­den­cy to ex­pose my­self to very rad­i­cal ex­per­i­ments, es­pe­cial­ly if they prom­ise sim­plic­i­ty and con­ve­nience.

Selling everything

I wish I had lis­tened to Gary Vayn­er­chuck ear­li­er, who al­ways claimed there’s a bunch of stuff in all of our base­ments/at­tics that we don’t need and we could sell on ebay for a sig­nif­i­cant amounts of mon­ey.

If you are like me you’re “nah, that doesn’t ap­ply to me”, but with ex­act­ly that sen­tence you are for­get­ting the things you _do_ have, but need to lit­tle that they don’t come to mind.

In ad­di­tion to the stuff in my garage, I sold the parts of my PC on ebay and made back half of the orig­i­nal cost from 6+ years ago, even with keep­ing the hard drives and giv­ing away parts that didn’t sell.